Roxy's forum is now graded "F" for Fraudulent Fairytales


If you are a Scammer, I will expose you
Dec 8, 2005
Your forum is now a laughing-stock, Roxyfraud. First JimFeistSux, and now Chicago Scamsides.

Many, many LIEs in this "great read", but man, I had to laugh my ass of at this beauty from the SCAM TOUT:

Without boring you to death...I use today, for ex. in the NBA, about 4-5 sets of my own Power Ratings; I compare recent performance; the 'power factors' rebounding, free throw %, FG % etc...; I compare how the team does vs. East/West; Road/Home; travel, days rest...all the usual keys...I still have the #'s down cold enough that on my big plays some times for fun I'll tell my final score which is usually pretty close. I guess you could say when it comes to the #'s I'm stone cold. Then I add in my many contacts from the 'old days' for info. that isn't readily available, some I use some I discard....once you have the #'s dead solid, one bit of info can light up the night.


Ok, LIAR post 10 big games and I'll bet you my life savings you don't get close to naming any of the final scores for NBA games. And when I say close, I mean within 3 points for both teams.

Or wait, do you consider "close" to be within 15 points for each team?? LMFAO!!

Again, newbies and lurkers, ANYBODY who tells you they use power ratings is a SCAMMER who doesn't know how to handicap. If they knew how to handicap, they wouldn't be using power ratings. Every real handicapper in the industry knows that power ratings is just tout talk. It makes you sound like you know what you're talking about when you do not. This guy is obviously clueless.

Every SCAM TOUT out there has 4, 5, 10 sets of power ratings (YAWN) that they "cross-reference" and when "everything matches up", oh my, it's a "big play", 5 or 10-star for sure...........ROTF LMFAO!!

Oh and notice this guy talked about "inside information" in this "great read", by mentioning his "many contacts".

My God, the Psalm 23 of the Tout Talk Bible.

Yes, this scammer has "contacts all over the country", some he uses more than others.


This SCAMMER has it all. Inside information and 4-or-5 sets of power ratings and more!!

And oh yes, folks, when all the power ratings are cross-referenced and they match, AND the inside information from a janitor at the Duke gym gives him a "tip", well, this is a MONSTER play folks!! These hit 78% for sure!!


Roxyfraud, are you really so nieve that when you read this 100% Sham-a-Scam-a-lama-ding-dong of an "interview", you cannot see through the absolute 100% bullshit that this scam-artist is shoveling out??

Or are you just so DESPERATE for viewers that you will promote the latest Scamdicapper of the Month at your Forum for Wayward Scammers??

You've been around long enough to recognize a 100% SCAM, so I all I have to say Roxyfraud is:

SHAME-SHAME on YOU for promoting yet another scammer at your Scam-den.

If you are a Scammer, I will expose you
Dec 8, 2005
The guy is a S-C-A-M-M-E-R, Roxy, wake the fuck up. He makes JimFeistSux look like Mr. Rogers or the Pope, even.

A great read?


Yeah, if you believe in fairy tales!! My God, and now Roxy, C-Lo and whoever else over there is going to promote this scam-artist and try and recruit the sheep for the slaughter. Roxy, you should be absolutely ashamed of yourself for promoting this out-and-out SCAM.

Are you this DESPERATE for viewership, that you are going to SCAM the viewers of your forum by leading them to the slaughter from the latest Pied Piper of the Scamdicapper of the Month Club??

Shame-Shame, hon. You are nothing more than a scammer and a phony yourself, then, if you are going to promote this out-and-out SHAM.

Great read????????????????


Anybody who reads this fairy tale who isn't a total clueless newbie will be on the floor laughing their ass off at this BS. This is Dorothy trying to lead the poor sheep down the red-ink road to destruction by following a SCAMMER which NOBODY has ever heard of until now (but yeah, he's been in the business as a big-timer for 21 years -- ROTF LMFAO!!). Oh yeah, but NOW he is going to make a big public push despite having a monster customer base and despite the fact that he has won millions with his "power ratings" systems!! ROTF LMFAO!!

Nobody is believing this horseshit so go sell it on the street corner with the $10 hookers.

Every single word in that "great fucking read" is LIES and TOUT TALK.

Not even a ring of truth in that whole laughable "interview".

Shame-Shame, Roxyfraud. Shame-shame.

An outright SCAM that you are promoting here.

Yeah, you can interview me. I'll be happy to be interviewed by you. Oh yeah, that's right, PHONY, you already banned me over there even though you "love the publicity from me".

Man, you are a two-faced phony.

And I'll prove it, Roxyfraud.

You are on this forum constantly trying to steal posters from the RX and you are everywhere on the RX always talking about how great your forum is.

NOW, when your absolute 100% SHAM-a-SCAM-a-lama-DING-DONG of a joke of an "interview" is EXPOSED, and this Chicago Hotsides is EXPOSED as a 2-bit SCAM ARTIST, lying through his teeth, what do you do, Roxyfraud?

You suddenly say, "this is not my forum, I am just a small part of it"

So when MVP is exposed for being the official Internet Forum for Wayward Scammers, housing scam-artists JimFeistSux and Chicago Hotsides, all of a sudden, it is NOT your forum anymore. But meanwhile you are hustling posters like 215Flava and many, many others at the RX, trying to steal them right out from under the RX's nose, promoting YOUR forum. I am shocked the RX even let's you stay here, as your only intent for being here is to steal people for your Forum for Wayward Scammers.


You and your forum have lost all credibility for posters with any common sense.

I suppose you're going to tell me next that it wasn't you who banned me, right? since it really isn't your forum and you're such a tiny part of it (even though your name is ALL OVER IT -- Ms. Fraud).

Be warned people, Roxy's forum is now graded as an "F" for Fraud by the Forum Grading Group.

Beware. They house scammers who are trying to get you to buy tout picks based on 100% fraudulent background information on their scam-touts.

Great read??????

That stuff belongs at Disneyland, filed again under "F" for Fairytales or better yet, for Fraud.

Shame-shame Roxy. You have reached a new low, promoting this obvious scheister.

If you are a Scammer, I will expose you
Dec 8, 2005
fraudulent forum

Your posters and viewers should be running away, no sprinting away from your forum, Roxyfraud.


You edit and ban a poster who is trying to protect the members, newbies and lurkers at your forum who are sheep that are going to get slaughtered if they follow this OBVIOUS schesiter and 100% liar and fairytale teller, but you are promoting the LYING-TOUT-SCAM ARTIST who is going to rob these poor people??

And you were just found guilty of the same offense just weeks ago with JimFeistSux, until you dumbasses finally wised up and listened to ChopTalk, although it took a while.

And now a week later, you're promoting a new SCAM!!!!

How can you say that you care about your members/posters/viewers when all you do at your Forum for WayWard Scammers is promote Scamdicappers who are trying to steal money from your members??

Your members should be leaving in droves because you obviously don't care about your members, you only care about page views and you'll try and get that at any cost, apparently, even promoting the Scamdicapper of the Week or Month at your forum.

Disgraceful. Utterly disgraceful.

Shame-Shame, Roxyfraud.

And you try so hard to sound like a knowledgeable person in this "business" yet for every step forward, you take 20 steps back when you do an "interview" with an obvious LIAR and FRAUD and then you promote and defend this SCAMMER.

Shame-Shame, Roxyfraud.

New member
Feb 9, 2005
WOW! This has got to be the WINNER for BASHING THREAD OF THE YEAR. I have never seen such devotion.

Neverlose, you and your Army of Ghosts could learn a thing or two about bashing from this guy. He is a real pro.

New member
Apr 10, 2005
Markie Mark said:
WOW! This has got to be the WINNER for BASHING THREAD OF THE YEAR. I have never seen such devotion.

Neverlose, you and your Army of Ghosts could learn a thing or two about bashing from this guy. He is a real pro.
:lolBIG: :missingte :missingte

RELAX,im just having fun
Nov 7, 2004
its all a grand plan to bring down the rx by stealing posters and promoting scammers but you found me out. how genious of you.if any of that were true wil would have banned me by now. and i dont think anyones blind here. the very large words doesnt make what you have to say any less funny. thanks for visiting. by the way ...we have a no bashing rule so when you threw your little tantrum you were banned cuz..thats a rule duh einstein.but i didnt ban you. in fact i will unban you but your a clown thats not taken seriously so why bring the humiliation hmmm?again its NOT my forum. why am i your target? its lakersfan4life and chad you should address. im just minding my own business.but again we appreciate the free pub.:howdy: mvpsports101.

hangin' about
Aug 21, 2003
What grade does plagiarism get you?

mvpsports101 said:
Legality Of Sports Betting by roxygurl

When considering betting sports on the
internet, it’s not uncommon for a person to
wonder whether they’re breaking a local or
state law. After all, most states, and even the
federal government, have legislation about
whether and how it’s legal or not to
gamble.......... said:
When considering betting sports on the internet, it’s not uncommon for a person to wonder whether they’re breaking a local or state law. After all, most states, and even the federal government, have legislation about whether and how it’s legal or not to gamble.

New member
Aug 10, 2005
very interesting. the best part of opening a forum is to get fresh new posters thats the best way to start! once they are rxers they stay here .. no need to pull them out of here since its their "home" i noticed it

glad FantasyBetsZone is a not a scammer forum! :103631605

New member
Jan 15, 2005
Xpanda honey! Come on now! We have the author established in it!

FBZ? What are you trying to say bro?

hangin' about
Aug 21, 2003
C-LO said:
Xpanda honey! Come on now! We have the author established in it!

No, you don't. The homepage lead-in clearly says 'by roxygurl' and nowhere is there a link to the original article.

Writers work very hard to come up with these stories. Stealing them is illegal for a reason.

It also speaks volumes about the degree of honesty that guides the plagiarist, doesn't it?

New member
Jan 15, 2005
Damn it! LOL Youre right! It was up there but not now! My man Lakers published it, he is the only one that controls that page. Originally Roxy had the author I saw the copy! Anyways, he has been going through alot with his parents so im sure he will clear it up soon! Anyways, FBZ???????? What up man???????

New member
Jan 15, 2005
Who knows? Anyways, im not getting into it anymore! As long as she stay where she is im fine! Merry Christmas to ya!:103631605

Oh boy!
Mar 21, 2004
Markie Mark said:
WOW! This has got to be the WINNER for BASHING THREAD OF THE YEAR. I have never seen such devotion.

Neverlose, you and your Army of Ghosts could learn a thing or two about bashing from this guy. He is a real pro.

MM: when people don't take their meds they get in a "manic phase". These phases are caused by pent up energy that is let out in explosions which result in lots of energy being put into whatever they are focused on. Oftentimes they are followed by a "depressive phase".

I hope this guy is all right. I hope he starts taking his meds again.

New member
Sep 3, 2005
Markie Mark said:
WOW! This has got to be the WINNER for BASHING THREAD OF THE YEAR. I have never seen such devotion.

Neverlose, you and your Army of Ghosts could learn a thing or two about bashing from this guy. He is a real pro.

:lolBIG: :toast: :missingte

RELAX,im just having fun
Nov 7, 2004
:lolBIG: i didnt plagerize anything. i had a book review there and had no idea it was changed till now. i DONT have access to the control panel that does the front page so i didnt put that is something chad may not know how to do or it would be changed by now. we have to wait till lakersfan logs on in hawaii then he will fix that. hes the only one who has that kind of power. sorry to disappoint you all.such fuss over an insignificant little nothing of a website and a regular poster. its not my website.and im done with the rubberoom so have fun down here kids.

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